Saturday, 14 April 2012

Off The Record (part 2)

For some reason I keep having people message me about the real housewives and one common thing that is disclosed is that the housewives don't live at the addresses shown.  Please be advised that due to the safety of the show and their participants, during the casting the producers made disclaimers about shooting different houses and or apartments buildings than the actual ones where they live for everyone's safety. Besides, does it really matter where they live?

 There are some people that have multiple homes, cottages, condos and vacation properties. There are also some people whom prefer privacy and would do a short term rental or lease for the duration of the filming.

But thanks for the tips! I hope this post helps clarify. 

maybe we will get a glimpse of David Mez and his antics this week. Patty Stranger did call him a douchebag on millionaire matchmaker, but at least he is entertaining.